This is Magento plugin for eSewa payment gateway.
The basic steps to follow:
1. Go to this link and download Plugin
2. Create the following folder structure inside 'app/code/' folder and copy all the files 'Retroitsoln/Esewa'
3. After you have copied all the files the folder structure should be like this 'app/code/Retroitsoln/Esewa/UPLOADED_FILES'
4. Enable Esewa Module php bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Retroitsoln_Esewa
5. Run Setup Upgrade php bin/magento setup:upgrade
6. Run DI Compilation to generate classes php bin/magento setup:di:compile
7. If you are on Production Environment, make sure you run the following command as well php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
8. Flush the Cache php bin/magento cache:flush
9. Finally Install and Run Cron php bin/magento cron:install
1. Navigate inside Payment Methods(Store->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods).You will see eSewa Payment Gateway.By default plugin, is set in Test Mode.
2. Go to your shop and complete a transaction from eSewa
1. If you complete the test then change Test Mode to No
2. Add live Product code & secret key provided by eSewa
3. Finally, save the changes.