Test Login Credentials


Here are the test credentials & details which are required for developing environment.For production environment we will provide live credentials after successful test transactions. eSewa ID & Password: To make payment with eSewa sdk. One must be a registered eSewa user. For testing phase, the client/merchant can use the following eSewa id and password: eSewa ID: 9806800001/2/3/4/5 Password: Nepal@123 MPIN: 1122 (for application only) Merchant ID/Service Code: EPAYTEST Token:123456 For Epay-v2: Secret Key:8gBm/:&EnhH.1/q For SDK Integration: client_id:JB0BBQ4aD0UqIThFJwAKBgAXEUkEGQUBBAwdOgABHD4DChwUAB0R client_secret:BhwIWQQADhIYSxILExMcAgFXFhcOBwAKBgAXEQ==